I recently recieved a gift in the mail from my wonderful mother. It was a book "A Christ Centered Christmas" by Emily Freeman. One paticular story made my heart melt. The author tells of driving in the car with her little girl. They were listening to Christmas music and just as one song ended her daughter exclaimed, "Mom, I believe in Santa Claus, and YOU believe in Jesus Christ." You can only imagine how this poor mother's heart must have felt. Yet, it was true. They talked of Santa, they wrote letters to Santa, they were counting down the days until he would come and the wonderful gifts he would bring. After all, who doesn't love the jolly old man?
As my husband and I have conintued to read this little book, we have decided to make our own traditions for the Holiday Season that bring us closer to our Savior. The Man who is truly, the reason for the season. We want to unwrap and display the nativity set on December 1st, to sing Christmas carols and take goodies to our neighbors and loved ones; perhaps do the 12 days of Christmas to a special family, and most of all, every Christmas Eve, we want to bare our testimonies to our children of our love for our Savior and Testify of His birth, life, antonement and resurection. We want them to know that they have been given the most precious gift by Christ sacrificing his life so we may have our own, temporally and eternally with him in Hevean one day.
We are anxiously awaiting the drive to Utah. It has been too long without their warmth and laughter. I am SO grateful for the family and friends I have, and for their examples in my life.
We wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas. And encourage you to rember Christ this Season and all year long.
Much Love,
The Meads
As my husband and I have conintued to read this little book, we have decided to make our own traditions for the Holiday Season that bring us closer to our Savior. The Man who is truly, the reason for the season. We want to unwrap and display the nativity set on December 1st, to sing Christmas carols and take goodies to our neighbors and loved ones; perhaps do the 12 days of Christmas to a special family, and most of all, every Christmas Eve, we want to bare our testimonies to our children of our love for our Savior and Testify of His birth, life, antonement and resurection. We want them to know that they have been given the most precious gift by Christ sacrificing his life so we may have our own, temporally and eternally with him in Hevean one day.
We are anxiously awaiting the drive to Utah. It has been too long without their warmth and laughter. I am SO grateful for the family and friends I have, and for their examples in my life.
We wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas. And encourage you to rember Christ this Season and all year long.
Much Love,
The Meads